Month: September 2013

Selection/Click and drag doesnt work in Gmail – Opera

In opera normally click and drag or selection doesn’t work. This is because in opera Gmail serves up some CSS that breaks the display and stops you clicking and dragging text. To fix this, you can enable opera’s list of JavaScript changes, to make popular sites work. This is done by visiting:

Add a user to a group in Linux

How to add a user to a group in Linux usermod -a -G Its a simple as that. So for me adding the user “chewett” to the user “vboxusers” i run the command usermod -a -G vboxusers chewett The -a flag means that the new group is appended, without it you will overwrite your current

Could not access network location \Hewlett-Packard\\

When trying to install MySQL Server it failed with the message “Could not access network location \Hewlett-Packard\\” After some searching it turns out this is a common issue where HP have inserted a registry entry with the install path of “\Hewlett-Packard\\” which isnt a valid location. This can be resolved by removing this entry. This

Location of GeoIP.dat for PHP

To find the location of GeoIP for PHP you can ssh into the server and use the “find” command. find / -iname GeoIP.dat Will return a list of file paths where the file with this name is found. In my case I found: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat /opt/geoip/share/GeoIP/GeoIP.dat In my case the bottom link was the one