April 10, 2019
Installing the SDL 2 Dev tools on Fedora
This post quickly lists how you can install the SDL 2 dev tools on Fedora.
Installing the SDL 2 Dev tools
To develop a SDL 2 application and use the SDL 2 header files to compile C++ applications you will need to install the SDL 2 dev tools.
To install the SDL dev tools on Fedora you can run the following command.
sudo dnf install SDL2 SDL2-devel
SDL image and SDL ttf are additional packages which can be installed with the following command.
sudo dnf install SDL2_image SDL2_image-devel SDL2_ttf SDL2_ttf-devel
Once these are installed development with SDL can begin.
Hey, I have been trying to get my nim code to compile, using this https://github.com/yglukhov/nimx, and for whatever reason, Fedora 31 was having some serious trouble finding the sdl2 libs. I have been stuck on this damn problem for 2 days. This did the trick!
Glad to hear it works!