Fixing Overcooked 2 Failed to start error code 51

This post talks about how you can fix “Overcooked! 2 failed to start (error code 51)”. Sometimes this will occur with the error text “Steam Error Application load error 3:0000065432”.
Overview of the issue
This error may come in two forms which will prevent Overcooked! 2 from starting.
Overcooked! 2 failed to start (error code 51)

This error will occur if you try and launch Overcooked 2 from inside Steam.
Steam Error Application load error 3:0000065432

If you attempt to load the game by launching the executable directly the above error will occur.
How to fix the issue
This issue occurs because Windows applies “Fullscreen optimisations” on the game. These cause it to fail to load and mean you cant play it. Typically this may occur after a Windows update.
To disable this you will need to find where the Overcooked2.exe
binary is located.
To find where this is installed you can right click on the game in your steam library and press properties.

In the panel that appears pressing “Local Files” and then “Browse Local Files” will open a window containing the executable.
For most systems this will be located underC:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Overcooked! 2\
Once you have opened this folder, right click on the Overcooked2.exe
and select properties.

In this window select Compatibility at the top of the panel and check “Disable fullscreen optimisations”.
Once this is done you should be able to play your game.
If this worked for you, or you are having troubles leave a comment below and I will see what I can do to help.