How to remove TeamCity as a Service on Windows

Today I am leaving a note on how to remove the Jetbrains TeamCity service on Windows.
Removing TeamCity as a service on Windows
To remove the TeamCity service you will need to find the location of your TeamCity install. For me I had installed it under:
Once in this directory you should find the bin
directory. This will hold a number of scripts which allow for modification of the server.
The script we will want to use is teamcity-server.bat
. This allows creating and deleting services for the TeamCity application along with other functions.
Using powershell, if you are in the bin directory, you can run the following command to delete the service.
.\teamcity-server.bat service delete
Once entered, this will print out the details of the service and confirmation that the service has been removed.
PS C:\TeamCity\bin> .\teamcity-server.bat service delete
JetBrains JetService v1.1.755.777
Service 'TeamCity' will be removed
Now the TeamCity service has been removed and will not run on startup. This allows you to delete TeamCity or move it to another location.