Raspberry Pi Read-only file system Fix Solved
If you are getting “Read-only file system” on your Raspberry Pi when mounting drives there is a simple fix.
chewett@bunker-master2:/mnt/wd500$ touch test.txt touch: cannot touch ‘test.txt’: Read-only file system
I noticed this happening when I tried to mount and work on my external hard drive. This is formatted with the NTFS filesystem.
I did some research and it turns out that by default Raspbian Jessie (as of 13/06/2017) does not include the ability to write to NTFS drives. To add this ability you can run the below command
sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
This installs the NTFS driver which will allow you to also write to NTFS drives.
This issue will occur for anything using the underlying NTFS driver. I found this issue when I was mounting a veracrypt volume on the Raspberry Pi.
Veracrypt was installed by following my guide to install Veracrypt on the Rasperry Pi. Now I have resolved this problem I will be able to access my external drives on the Raspberry Pi.
Thanks for this post. I’ve spent hours faffing about with chmod and god knows what else. It was this simple!
The usb stick was fine (formatted FAT) , but an external SSD (NTFS) failed – so I echo Tafica Wac’s sentiments.