This post walks you through the process of installing the Raspberry Pi OS, Raspbian, with VirtualBox. I am going to use this at times to test my software running on the OS that the Raspberry Pi Cluster runs.
I was looking to add shared folders to my Fedora VM but during mounting them there was an error. The error “access denied” appeared each time I attempted to mount the volume. This post explains why this happens and what you can do to fix it.
Installing via the normal route didn’t work and meant I couldn’t easily resize the screen. Doing the below allowed me to use the resize easily. Install rpmfusion on fedora run `sudo yum install akmod-VirtualBox VirtualBox-guest` run `cd /usr/src/akmods` run `sudo rpm -ivh VirtualBox-*.rpm` Once this was installed, rebooting will give you access to shared folders and fullscreen mode