Fixing Startup Company Save file lost

This post talks about what you can do if your Startup Company save is lost. (Note, its probably not lost).
Dont worry, its probably not lost
If you haven’t played the game in a while and come back to it, you will likely find your save is lost.
This happened to me recently and I spent some time googling to find a solution. Luckily I found a way to fix it described below.
Why does this happen
Each time the game releases a new beta it will convert the save from the old beta to the new format. However for ease of development this is only done for the previous version.
This works fine if you are continually playing the beta, however if you are like me and skip one then your save is “lost”.
Upgrading your save past one beta version isn’t officially supported, but has been noted to work for many people.
How can I fix this
The first thing you need to do is shut down the game if it is running.
Once this is done you need to find the save file location. These are available at the following locations:
Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Startup Company
OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Startup Company/SaveData
Linux: ~/.StartupCompany
In this folder will be a number of folders with the name of each beta. Find the folder of the last beta you played.
In this will be one or many sg_
files which are your save games. You should copy these files to the latest beta folder.
Once this is done you will be able to open up Startup Company and play with your saved game.
Since this is unsupported there is a chance that this will not work, however it is worth a try if you want to continue playing your save.
This information was taken from the steam community page: