Unblocking Elasticsearch port 9200 on Fedora
This post describes how you can unblock port 9200 to allow Elasticsearch traffic through in the Fedora firewall.
Unblocking port 9200 so traffic can get through to Elasticsearch
By default Fedora 28 has a firewall which blocks traffic reaching port 9200. This stops you being able to access Elasticsearch on this port from an external machine.
One of the ways to get around this is to forward port 9200 to another port that is accessible. However I wanted to use port 9200 for Elasticsearch so I had to change the firewall to make it accessible externally.
To disable this permanently and reload the firewall configuration so it’s immediately available you can run the following commands.
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=9200/tcp systemctl restart firewalld
This adds an exception for the Elasticsearch service and unblocks port 9200 on a permanent basis.
This should ensure that even after reboots it should stay unblocked.